The R†BELLE Series

[This ongoing series began in 2014. The list of candidates is exhaustive and new additions are continually added to the series.]


The R†BELLE Series is a collection of photographic illustrations featuring individuals in their magnificent presence as legendary heroines, visionaries, social activists, artists, poets, scientists, philosophers, and more.  This empowering series supports the broadest and most genuinely inclusive definition of “woman”, and should serve as a tribute to the incredible women in our history who spoke up; persevered; withstood shame; held fierceness; portrayed compassion; exhibited grace; rose in opposition; resisted oppression; changed the norm; broke barriers; shaped our minds; and paved the way.  Certainly, courage and strength are represented in the character of these remarkable women.  The R†BELLE series was designed to honor them.

The creative concept of the series presents itself as the frontcover of a fictitious magazine, called R†BELLE.  Each cover is intentionally devoid of text, name identification, or any titles for reference, to allow the essential impact made by these women to speak for itself.  A hefty and intuitive significance is felt through the use of minimalism, an adaptive one-word title, and of course, reputation.  The viewer’s encounter with each cover becomes an experience.  On a subliminal level, a burgeoning sense of solidarity stirs the heart.  R†BELLE becomes unconsciously synonymous with the words rebel (as the act of rebellion), rebel (as the individual who resists convention, control, or established tradition), and, lastly, the subset word "belle" which is a French word associated with attraction.

“Why a magazine cover?”, you might ask. There are dozens of familiar magazines on any public newsstand that might draw your attention... imagine R†BELLE among them.  Spontaneous attraction is fundamental to the dynamics of this contemporary art series.  The re-appropriated images (dutifully credited to the original artist) provide an experience of familiarity and recognizability for the viewer.  The series expresses a feeling of union (or reunion) between the viewer and the subject.  Paradoxically, oneness can be felt in our seeming individuality. 

R†BELLE highlights the unsuppressable spirit of the feminine archetype.  It is a heart and soul celebration of sisterhood.  It is a representation of the very essence of influence. 

Eve - 2014 (original painting attributed to Lucas Cranach the Elder)
Amelia Earhart - 2014 (original photograph by New York Times Co./Getty Images)
Frida Kahlo - 2014 (original photograph by Imogen Cunningham)
Georgia O'Keeffe - 2017 (original photograph by Laura Gilpin)
Patti Smith - 2016 (adaptation of original photograph by Robert Mapplethorpe, and Georgia O'Keeffe's 'Black Iris')
Taylor Swift - 2014 (adaptation original photograph unattributed, possibly Brian Doben)
Tina Turner - 2014 (adaptation of original photograph by "JAT")
Marsha P. Johnson - 2017 (original photograph by unknown)
'Little Edie' / Edith Beale - 2014 (adaptation of still from Albert and David Maysles' film, 'Grey Gardens')
Princess Leia - 2016 (original photograph from Lucas Films)
Lucille Ball - 2014 (original photograph from Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Coco Chanel - 2014 (original photograph by Man Ray)
Yoko Ono - 2014 (adaptation of original photograph by Bob Gruen)
Rosa Parks - 2014 (original photograph from USIA/National Archives)
Pema Chödrön - 2019 (original photograph from Omega Institute)
Mae West - 2014 (original photograph is a filmstill from 'She Done Him Wrong')
Maya Lin - 2017 (adaptation of original image by Walter Smith)
Malala Yousafzai - 2014 (adaptation of original photograph by Antonio Zazueta Olmos)
Jodie Foster - 2014 (original photograph by Bradley Patrick)
Drew Barrymore - 2017
Pocahontas - 2014 (original painting attributed to Jean Leon Gerome Ferris)